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- non cederebbe il suo posto e la sua felicità alla rosa del giardino. The flower without perfume on the top of the mountains, would not cede its place and...6 KB (854 parole) - 21:59, 28 mar 2024
- lasciarlo crescere. Love is the answer and you know that for sure | love is a flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow. (da Mind Games, Lennon, n. 1)...23 KB (3 697 parole) - 20:27, 12 dic 2024
- | And she turns to me with her hand extended | Her palm is split with a flower with a flame. (da Solitude Standing, n. 6) E dice: "Sono venuta a raddrizzare...17 KB (2 851 parole) - 17:31, 8 ott 2023
- have a name, and overhead the sun is running down the day. (da Inside a Flower) Proprio come una spia attraverso fumo e luci, sono fuggita dalla porta...30 KB (4 715 parole) - 04:53, 21 set 2023
- ye rosebuds while ye may, | Old Time is still a-flying; | and this same flower that smiles to day | to morrow will be dying.» Cfr. Ahimè! Ahi vita! di...35 KB (5 048 parole) - 22:12, 10 gen 2022
- serpente sotto di esso. (Lady Macbeth: atto I, scena V) Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it. Se fosse fatto, una volta fatto, sarebbe bene...192 KB (28 040 parole) - 01:10, 12 nov 2024
- officials in Phnom Penh, wasn't really rich. For all its charm, with all its flower beds and wide boulevards, Phnom Penh was a quiet place where not much happened...23 KB (3 781 parole) - 15:31, 7 dic 2023
- vedere quella stella così da non dover tagliare questa gola. Volume 12 – FLOWER ON THE PRECIPICE – Sōsuke Aizen Pensiamo che un fiore cresciuto sul ciglio...47 KB (7 305 parole) - 00:13, 17 set 2024
- cittadina è inoltre sede del "Taunton flower show", la più importante mostra floreale del Somerset. Lisieux Königslutter am Elm Taunton Altri progetti Wikimedia
- nella versione di Śikṣānanda. Traduzione in inglese di Thomas Cleary in The Flower Ornament Scripture vol.I. 1984, Shambala Publications, Boston, pag.66) In
- and courageous young man, loyal to his family, loyal to his country, this flower of human civilization, was killed by a drunken driver. What could Leo have