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Forse cercavi: long life sweet
Crea la pagina "Long live Sweden" su questo wiki! Vedi anche i risultati della ricerca
- Farah Pahlavi (sezione Da The way we live now: 2-9-04: Questions for Farah Pahlavi; a life in exile)than some of the countries that are republics. I mean, when you think of Sweden, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands. So it's up to the people to decide what...53 KB (8 092 parole) - 13:24, 9 dic 2024
- If I have rebirth in Sweden or in the U.S.A., that would be all right. But suppose I meet with another Pol Pot; or I could live under the Vietnamese and...43 KB (7 303 parole) - 00:09, 4 giu 2024
- Iperborea, 2010, p. 78. (EN) Citato in Talks with the delegation of the Sweden-Kampuchea Friendship Association [August 1978] [Phnom Penh]: Dept. of Press...54 KB (8 486 parole) - 21:58, 9 dic 2022
- mixato l'album...» (John Norum, Europe – The Final Countdown Tour 1986: Live in Sweden - 20th Anniversary Edition DVD) La campagna internazionale di promozione
- first come from Sweden nobody drunk Scotch. Rum. If they'd stuck to rum and stuck to sail things wouldn't be what they are now, not by a long way." "We ran