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- Andrea Piovan: Doppiatore, voce di Liquid Snake in Metal Gear, Il Capo in Art Attack, speaker di Rete 4, videogiochitalia.it, 15 maggio 2023. Altri progetti...3 KB (385 parole) - 09:37, 14 giu 2024
- (David Lynch) (EN) Citato in J.Y. Smith, Actor James Mason Dies After Heart Attack, washingtonpost.com, 28 luglio 1984. (EN) Citato in Actor James Mason dead...3 KB (357 parole) - 11:56, 15 feb 2024
- the Iranian nation in that condition, and especially Saddam [Hussein]'s attack on Iran. I am grateful to all those Iranian soldiers who fought this war...53 KB (8 092 parole) - 13:24, 9 dic 2024
- negotiate. He's weak and he's ineffective [...] So, I believe that he will attack Iran some time prior to the election because he thinks it's the only way...220 KB (31 578 parole) - 18:03, 18 dic 2024
- sadly, that the Catholic Church and its hierarchs likes to do more than to attack the Enlightenment. Forse è ingiusto da parte mia, come omosessuale, lamentarmi...29 KB (4 698 parole) - 09:14, 31 mag 2023
- the post of prime minister on 9 August 1999 coincided with the surprise attack on Dagestan by Chechen fighters two days earlier. Then there was a series...81 KB (12 943 parole) - 20:42, 1 set 2024
- secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. «Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati ad Art Attack, l'unico vero programma sull'arte che vi dimostra che non bisogna essere
- of Charles Strickland was authentic. It may be that you do not like his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest
- same high degree in which his family was proud of him; he resented every attack against his family; since childhood he had learned to face enemies or doubtful