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- del Partito Conservatore, 10 ottobre 1986) In a decision of the utmost gravity, Labour voted to give up Britain's independent nuclear deterrent unilaterally...91 KB (12 272 parole) - 18:46, 25 dic 2024
- dissolved, most of us didn't even have the feeling that the country was falling apart. We thought we would continue with our lives as in the past, but...31 KB (4 660 parole) - 13:04, 29 dic 2024
- Caduta intelligente (reindirizzamento da Intelligent falling)della 'Caduta intelligente (Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory), inserito nella pagina della rubrica "Scienza e
- non-gravitational forces acting on the head are of the order of 1/10,000 of gravity. But in the case of the tail the non-gravitational forces are predominant;
- inglese: falling object
- less than one part in a trillion) from the actual strength ratio in which gravity stands to the nuclear weak force would have prevented the cancellation