Questa è la pagina degli appunti di M1ka1L.
Grammatica latina
[modifica]- Autem è pleonastico: va conservato solo se preceduto da avverbio di negazione, per esempio ne, nel qual caso significa neppure.
- Ego, tu, is, ea, id, nos, vos, ii, eae, ea, normalmente sottintesi, quando presenti vanno enfatizzati, per esempio preceduti da una congiunzione: se noi, e io...
Cecilio Stazio, Plocium
[modifica]- A: Is demum miser est, qui aerumnam suam nesciat occulte
ferre: Ita me uxor forma et factis facit, si taceam, tamen indicium,
quae nisi dotem omnia quae nolis habet: qui sapiet de me discet,
qui quasi ad hostis captus liber servio salva urbe atque arce.
Dum eius mortem inhio, egomet inter vivos vivo mortuus.
Quaen mihi quidquid placet eo privatum it me servatam ‹velim›?
Ea me clam se cum mea ancilla ait consuetum. id me arguit:
ita plorando orando instando atque obiurgando me optudit,
eam uti venderem. nunc credo inter suas
aequalis, cognatas sermonem serit:
«Quis vostrarum fuit integra aetatula
quae hoc idem a viro
impetrarit suo, quod ego anus modo
effeci, paelice ut meum privarem virum?».
Haec erunt concilia hocedie: differar sermone misere. (142 Ribbeck) - A: Sed tua morosane uxor quaeso est? B: Va! rogas?
A: Qui tandem? B: Taedet mentionis, quae mihi
ubi domum adveni, adsedi, extemplo savium
dat ieiuna anima. A: Nil peccat de savio:
ut devomas volt quod foris potaveris. (158 Ribbeck)
Gaio Lucilio, Satire, III
[modifica][Lucilio fa all'amico un resoconto del suo viaggio in Sicilia[1]]
- ... e per la strada
deciderai tu, come talvolta fa il geometra nell'accampamento
... come hai sempre
desiderato, vedrai lo Stretto, Messina, le mura di Reggio Calabria,
poi l'isola di Lipari, il tempio di Diana Facelina...
oltre tutto, l'intera strada è sdrucciolevole e impantanata.
- ... viamque
degrumabis, uti castris mensor facit olim
... et saepe quod ante
optasti, freta, Messanam, Regina videbis
moenia, tum Liparas, Facelinae templa Dianae...
praeterea omne iter est hoc labosum atque lutosum. (96-97, 143-145, 98 Warmington)
- a dir il vero, fin qui fu uno scherzo, niente d'impossibile,
nulla di che, ti dico, tutto uno scherzo, un gioco da ragazzi.
Ma come entro a Sezze, inizia il peggio:
monti accessibili solo alle capre, l'Etna e l'aspro Athos
... ci prenderemo una pausetta per far riposare
i corpi stanchi
- verum haec ludus ibi, susque omnia deque fuerunt,
susque et deque fuere, inquam, omnia ludus iocusque:
illud opus durum, ut Setinum accessimus finem:
aighilipes montes, Aetnae omnes asperi Athones
... et spatium curando corpori honestum
sumemus (102-105 Warmington)
- [A Napoli] niente ostriche, né rosse né peloridi,
niente asparagi!
- Ostrea nulla fuit, non purpura, nulla peloris,
asparagi nulli. (126-127 Warmington)
- Ora più che mai conosciamo le nostre necessità, per un atteggiamento positivo e lungimirante nei confronti di questa nostra Europa. La crisi è resa meno destabilizzante dal fatto che ora sempre più cittadini si interessano all'Europa e chiedono due cose: vogliono essere coinvolti maggiormente nel dibattito e si aspettano che le attuali politiche dell'Europa prendano una direzione diversa. (http://www.ena.lu/?doc=19730&lang=02)
- Parliament’s support for the global fund to promote green energy is an important signal to developing countries, which will face very significant challenges relating to energy and climate change over the coming decades. [...]. I welcome the fact that that Parliament has supported my initiative to push the EU Commission to be strict on biomass-investment in order not to encourage dubious projects, notably agro-fuels. Parliament also asked for more attention to be paid to microfinance organisations, which, with their local expertise, are key to overcoming energy poverty. We also made sure that regular and transparent monitoring of the fund will be carried out in order to ensure that public money is spent wisely. (http://www.neurope.eu/articles/84540.php)
- Il sostegno dato dal parlamento a un fondo globale per promuovere l'energia pulita è un importante segno del progresso per le nazioni che dovranno affrontare sfide cruciali per quanto riguarda l'energia e i mutamenti climati dei decenni a venire. [...].
- http://www.europarltv.europa.eu/yourParliament.aspx?action=ViewVideo&PackageId=77ab30fc-2eca-4f47-ad56-3149c999bf9b (5:24 -6:00)
- http://www.europarltv.europa.eu/yourParliament.aspx?action=ViewVideo&PackageId=117f0a4b-4bb6-4bbf-8560-463218b708b8 (2:45-3:13 e 3:34-4:08)
- Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, totting up the debits and credits of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council has been an emotional business. We have heard a speech that was extraordinary not only by reason of the character of the man delivering it, but also by reason of its extraordinary frankness. I have been a Member of this House for 11 years. In all that time, I have never come across such frankness in a presentation on a European Council by its Presidency. For this frankness I am grateful, for it gives this House greater knowledge and hence affords it the opportunity to better analyse what transpired last weekend. A lot happened, and let me repeat at the very outset what you, Mr President-in-Office, said: it was a defeat for Europe. You were right there. You went on to say that it also represented a defeat for the Presidency, but that is where you are wrong. Anyone who saw you over the weekend – and we all did – saw something that was not a defeat for the Council Presidency. It may well, today, be too early to judge, but I am quite certain that those who come after us will rank Jean-Claude Juncker among the truly great Europeans. For that we are grateful to you. After 60 hours of negotiations, followed by a 15-minute visit from one who had participated in them, we can understand some of the bitterness that came out in your speech, for it is a fact that what emerges from this summit is that the time really has come for the European Union to spell out the facts. Europe is indeed in a crisis situation, but then so are its Heads of State or Government. The fact is that, for years, the people who hold the reins of power in Europe – in other words, the European Council, the Heads of State or Government – have invariably taken the same approach. Victory was theirs; it was the Brussels bureaucrats who lost. It became clear from last weekend's summit that we can now put a name to what has caused Europe to lose out: the particularism of those Heads of State or Government who believe that the interests of all are served when each thinks only of himself. Parliaments exist to give expression to what the public feels, and you are right to say that high diplomacy belongs somewhere else; this is where the truth has to be told. Today, Mr Juncker, I want to give you every credit for telling it like it is and for calling things by their proper names. We have lessons to learn from that, and one important one is that we should start by noting that, of the three institutions, two have done their homework; the Commission produced its proposal for the Financial Perspective, and Parliament decided on its position, while the Council has shown itself incapable of coming to an agreement on it. Let me point out that two of the institutions that participate in the trialogue have done what they had to do. The Council has not, and we will wait. It is not acceptable that everyone sitting around the table should be saying "I'm right". Then the next person to be called upon to speak says, "I'm right, too". The third person to speak also says, 'That may well be so, but I'm right'. How such people can reach a result that is of any use to Europe escapes me. Above all else, I simply do not see how a head of government, of whatever country, can say, "I have quite specific goals", and then, by his own actions, help to wreck the instruments that are needed in order to achieve those goals. I simply do not get it, and I do not see this as something that this House can take lying down. What is the Financial Perspective about? It is about everyone making a move. We do, of course know that our continent's ability to survive depends on our promotion of innovation, research and technology, and that these things are crucial to the Lisbon process. We also know, of course, that we need money in order to do these things, and that it follows that money has to be reassigned. Yet, if everyone knows that, why do we not get the right results? Let me tell you what I think, what my very personal opinion is: it is that the reason lies in the fact that, this weekend, European policy was, yet again, not the deciding factor. Things were of course said about Europe's future, but most of the speeches made there were devoted to internal policy. We all know that there is a great island state in this Union, where internal party constraints limit room for manoeuvre. We all know too that there is a great continental state in this Union in which the results of elections hang upon agriculture. There may be many more internal policy considerations than these two, the effects of which on European policy we Europeans have to live with, so let us, in this House, unite in saying that we are no longer prepared to do so, for this is proving to be Europe's ruin! The President deserves praise for having, today, delivered himself of a fine affirmation of his role in Europe. You, Mr Barroso, are indeed the guardian of the European Treaties. Nobody will be able to make the Treaty of Nice serve as the basis for a free trade zone; it may be inadequate, but it has taken the process of integration far too far for that to be possible, and if you want to defend the deepening of Europe, this House will always be right alongside you. What the people of Europe are now waiting for, though, is signals from Europe; we do indeed need the market, we do indeed need internal and external competition, but those in the Netherlands and in France who voted "no" did so not least because they feared that this market, this competition, would wreck their social security, destroying what has been built up over decades. In the realm of practical politics, we in the Socialist Group in the European Parliament have produced a five-point plan showing how you can help get the Working Time Directive and the Services Directive adopted as social – rather than as anti-social – legislation. That will give you a chance to show where the Commission stands.
We have heard a great speech from a great President. Not only he, but also the Luxembourg team as a whole have – as the President of the Commission rightly said – done a terrific job, and for that, Mr Juncker, I thank you, as well as Mr Schmit and all those who have worked together with us this past six months. Working with the Luxembourg Presidency was – I believe, for all of us – an extraordinarily pleasant business. Differences of opinion are not always so pleasant in this political life. Thank you for your speech, and I believe I speak for many of my colleagues when I say that I look forward to tomorrow with eager anticipation. [ndr] - Abbiamo bisogno di misure di sicurezza, sono essenziali, ma trovo che lo scanner corporale sia inaccettabile. Sono macchinari che permettono di vedere una persona nuda. Ritengo si tratti di un oltraggio alla dignità umana. L'uso di questa tecnologia non ci renderà più sicuri. [Euronews.net]
- Quest'uomo, [McCreevy] responsabile del mercato interno [...], si presenta davanti ai cittadini dicendo: "Non ho letto il trattato di Lisbona, non è necessario". Come si può avere fiducia in un comportamento simile?! [Euronews.net]
- Spero che Sarkozy non voglia portare avanti una politica sul modello di quella francese attuale. Se non lo farà potremo collaborare. Se abbiamo un presidente che si mette al servizio dell'Unione, bene. Ma se l'Unione deve mettersi al servizio di Sarkozy, ci saranno dei conflitti. [Euronews.net]
- [Sarkozy] Parla come un vero socialista europeo. Euronews.net