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Elijah Muhammad

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Elijah Muhammad nel 1964.

Elijah Muhammad (1897 – 1975), nato Elijah Robert Poole, religioso ed attivista statunitense.

Citazioni di Elijah Muhammad

  • Abbiamo visto la razza bianca (demoni) in cielo tra i giusti, causando problemi [...], finché non sono stati scoperti. [...] Furono puniti con l'essere privati della guida divina [...], quasi ridotti al rango di bestie selvatiche. [...] Saltando da un albero all'altro. Le scimmie procedono da questo. [...] Prima di loro, non c'erano né scimmie né maiali.
We have seen the white race (devils) in heaven, among the righteous, causing trouble [...], until they were discovered. [...] They were punished by being deprived of divine guidance [...] into the family of wild beasts [...] and jumping from one tree to the other. [...] The monkeys are from them. Before their time, there were no such things as monkeys, apes and swine.[1]


  1. (EN) Riportato in

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