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- try and save your swollen face | Though I don't like you anymore | You lying | Trying | Waste of space. (da Song To Say Goodbye) Ora sto cercando di...36 KB (6 019 parole) - 17:56, 20 ago 2023
- III) Non mi importa la menzogna, ma odio l'inaccuratezza. I do not mind lying, but I hate inaccuracy. (Falsehood, IV) Chi non sa strizzare l'occhio non...138 KB (22 079 parole) - 04:26, 8 nov 2024
- dislike Russia’s policy they turn to China, which is an economic power-house, lying nearby and ready to re-claim territory it considers its own. Our influence...308 KB (49 035 parole) - 19:29, 7 nov 2024
- is Russia—the corruption, the inequality, the spectacle, the constantly lying—seem normal. And the way you make it seem normal is by making it be normal...169 KB (26 347 parole) - 11:45, 7 nov 2024
- required the lightest caress from the Securitate to have the average Romanian lying prone in a position of abject submission. Whatever liberal sentiments Ceausescu...60 KB (9 553 parole) - 13:12, 15 giu 2024
- Evans, In Defense of History, New York: Norton, 1999; Richard J. Evans, Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial, Basic Books
- a Changing Climate. Chapter 4: Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low Lying Islands, Coasts and Communities, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
- a Changing Climate. Chapter 4: Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low Lying Islands, Coasts and Communities, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate