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Forse cercavi: green wars
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- la cenere che si riaccende il mattino dopo. I got caught up... i'm in a wave but just like a fish I'm playing Astonished… Awakened… As if life was new...30 KB (4 715 parole) - 04:53, 21 set 2023
- reason for his inability to accept the purely statistical interpretation of wave mechanics. It was a reason which linked him with Rutherford, who used to...297 KB (42 754 parole) - 15:27, 11 nov 2024
- speciali) I like me. I like me. | I'm as good as I can be. | With a smile and a wave and happy melody... Scorpio, sei completamente pazzo! (James Bond) Il progetto...113 KB (16 337 parole) - 21:41, 29 lug 2024
- hopelessness and melancholy made people mean, and as a consequence, there was a wave of crimes and suicides. On a larger scale, this led to inter-ethnic conflicts...153 KB (24 296 parole) - 08:56, 1 lug 2024
- La squadra di football dei Tulane Green Wave rappresenta la Tulane University. I Green Wave competono nella Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) della National
- quantum wave function come to suffer lecherous as the Big Bang cooled? Part of the answer may well be that there are valid ways of conceiving wave functions
- the wave of darkening which preceded it down the disk in like manner. 45. Six months after the phenomenon thus disclosed at one cap, a regular wave proceeds
- serie Green Lantern/Green Arrow del 1972. In questa serie, già basata sullo scontro di vedute dei due eroi “verdi” di casa DC, nei numeri 5 e 6, Green Arrow