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- Bruce Springsteen (sezione Born to Run (autobiografia))Innocent & the E Street Shuffle (1973) Born to Run (1975) Darkness on the Edge of Town (1978) The River (1980) Nebraska (1982) Born in the U.S.A...45 KB (7 478 parole) - 11:33, 8 ott 2024
- Voce principale: Bruce Springsteen. Born to Run, autobiografia di Bruce Springsteen del 2016. Le crepe e le irregolarità del vecchio marciapiede di Randolph...42 KB (6 740 parole) - 21:43, 24 feb 2020
- Reich fa proprio schifo, penso che ucciderò il Führer!" chi è con me? (River Song) Okay, sono intrappolato in una copia robot di mia moglie. Cercherò...6 KB (917 parole) - 22:47, 27 gen 2019
- quattro grandi stagioni. Come, take my hand | And wander in the willow river | Glistening the blue bells | Come, take my flesh | And wander in the sunny...51 KB (8 515 parole) - 14:04, 3 giu 2023
- bridges | Cut the light on the ground | Into little triangles | And the rails run round | Through the rust and heat | The light and sweet | Coffee color of...17 KB (2 851 parole) - 17:31, 8 ott 2023
- heart, | He'll tell them to you when you're asleep. || God knows there's a river, | God knows how to make it flow, | God knows you ain't gonna be taking...36 KB (5 913 parole) - 12:30, 9 mag 2024
- girls | Shedding every stitch | 'N you think the cocaine's flowing | Like a river up our noses | 'N every sea will part for us | Like the red one did for...57 KB (9 843 parole) - 17:08, 3 feb 2024
- for a foreigner to romanticise such a place, but to fly across the Mekong river from beleaguered and neurotic Saigon was to reaffirm the belief that if...28 KB (4 488 parole) - 21:44, 31 dic 2023
- vast reefs of copper, cobalt, and diamonds, to say nothing of its immense river network and its wealth of game and arable land. It has been the recipient...102 KB (15 360 parole) - 10:08, 16 lug 2023
- sidro Libertà per gli orsi Preghiera per un amico Ultima notte a Twisted River Washington Irving La leggenda di Sleepy Hollow Walter Isaacson Einstein...576 byte (60 298 parole) - 17:06, 20 set 2014
- things: delivering a nuclear strike on your own troops, going through a river instead of crossing it, and "advancing" in the opposite direction from the...153 KB (24 296 parole) - 08:56, 1 lug 2024
- e Jamie accompagnati dal Giovane Ian si recano in visita alla tenuta "River Run" di zia Jocasta, sorella della defunta madre di Jamie, Ellen, dove pensano
- Ho anche escluso l'altro presunto "fallimento" di Hemingway, Across the River e Into the Trees (1950), assolutamente non perché lo considero un fallimento
- western di House of Strangers (Amaro destino, 1949) di Joseph Mankiewicz e poi Run for Cover (All'ombra del patibolo, 1955) di Nicholas Ray, il quale precedentemente
- guerriera 2007 Angela Generali XVIII secolo a.C. Egitto Il dio del fiume (River God, 1993) Wilbur Smith XVIII secolo a.C. Egitto Il settimo papiro (The