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- promessa ingrassa l'usuraio, l'altra invece aiuta la collettività. It is absurd to say our country can issue $30,000,000 in bonds and not $30,000,000 in...3 KB (468 parole) - 18:20, 2 mar 2024
- l'assurdo, Artslife.com, 22 settembre 2014. Cfr. (EN) Only One Who Attempts the Absurd Is Capable of Achieving the Impossible, QuoteInvestigator.com, 21 febbraio...5 KB (656 parole) - 23:43, 1 gen 2023
- more stylized than life itself by its careful exclusion of the banal, the absurd, and the incongrous. In the contect of impending world destruction, hypocrisy...18 KB (2 573 parole) - 17:43, 1 nov 2022
- qualities: the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third grade theatrics... We have long referred to him as "The Donald". He...4 KB (489 parole) - 00:00, 3 feb 2023
- salottiera francese. La logica del cuore è assurda. La logique du cœur est absurde. (dalla lettera XLVII del 27 Agosto 1774) Era bella la Lespinasse? Questa...2 KB (291 parole) - 16:36, 26 set 2022
- sofferenze promuoveranno la sua sicurezza spirituale. There is no error more absurd, and yet more rooted in the heart of man, than the belief that his sufferings...7 KB (1 037 parole) - 22:25, 30 giu 2022
- altrettanto re nei suoi capanni quanto Raffaello sul suo Parnaso. [...] division absurde du réalisme et de l'idéalisme. Mais l'idéal consiste dans la manière de...3 KB (451 parole) - 16:53, 19 nov 2023
- into his system, but was not trying to exterminate the Ukrainians. That is absurd. The largest number of victims were Ukrainians, but it was not genocide...5 KB (719 parole) - 11:27, 13 nov 2024
- perder y luego recuperar. Lo hizo con Napoleón lo hizo con Hitler. Sería absurdo pensar que Rusia ha perdido la guerra o que sus militares son incompetentes...4 KB (573 parole) - 11:02, 26 mar 2024
- ai pensieri filosofici, XVI. Citato in Giuliano Toraldo di Francia, Ex absurdo – Riflessioni di un fisico ottuagenario, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1997, p....26 KB (3 843 parole) - 22:57, 24 lug 2023
- Einstein, Vivizen.com, 11 gennaio 2014. Cfr. (EN) Only One Who Attempts the Absurd Is Capable of Achieving the Impossible, QuoteInvestigator.com, 21 febbraio...297 KB (42 754 parole) - 15:27, 11 nov 2024
- of a star vehicle: a movie with a preposterous plot, exotic locations, absurd action sequences, and so much chemistry between attractive actors that we...40 KB (6 182 parole) - 20:33, 30 apr 2023
- Hindi as the language of the Hindus and Urdu as that of the Muslims is absurd. Urdu, except for its script, is of the very soil of India and has no place...169 KB (26 333 parole) - 11:51, 16 lug 2024
- London exterminated. (EN) Sihanouk preserved Cambodia's independence like an absurd juggler in a cockpit of war. (EN) When I came to Cambodia in 1967, Phnom...28 KB (4 488 parole) - 21:44, 31 dic 2023
- certâ ratione demonstrare velim ea, quae rationi repugnare, quaeque vana, absurda, et horrenda esse clamitant. Sed mea haec est ratio. Nihil in naturâ sit...97 KB (15 197 parole) - 00:55, 6 dic 2024
- not to me. Behind all things are reasons. Reasons can even explain the absurd. Do we have the time to learn the reasons behind the human being's varied...73 KB (11 161 parole) - 06:06, 25 mar 2023
- tristi. – Ghosts? Two students sitting in front of me are engrossed in absurd gossip, reference books still in hands. – Yeah, it sounds like people have...59 KB (9 136 parole) - 21:47, 5 gen 2024
- a fashion, but Handel will even so come off victorious. Otherwise it is absurd to let Bach compete at all. (Handel and Bach, I) Bach viene considerato...138 KB (22 079 parole) - 04:26, 8 nov 2024
- significativi in futuro. Putin's idea of defending Russian speakers in Ukraine is absurd on many levels, but one of them is this: People can say what they like in...169 KB (26 347 parole) - 11:45, 7 nov 2024
- sacred entity to which the bourgeois should pay homage. This all sounds absurd to you. But for Russians it is completely normal. Raccolta di citazioni...47 KB (7 332 parole) - 11:40, 10 apr 2024
- che iniziano con o contengono il titolo. Absurd – gruppo musicale tedesco Absurd – gruppo musicale polacco Absurd – singolo dei Guns N' Roses del 2021
- cadre. Il faut autour de soi, pour exister, des réalités qui durent. Mais absurde ou injuste, tout ça n’est qu’un langage.» Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Courrier
- Philosophy, (I ed.), Doubleday, 1958 Belliotti, Raymond Angelo, Is Human Life Absurd? A Philosophical Inquiry into Finitude, Value, and Meaning, BRILL, 2019
- absurd assurdo absurd m assurdo absurdalny absurdalność nonsens bezsens niedorzeczność absurd assurdo